Monday, 12 March 2012

Is Anybody There?

Driving home the other night, there was a fabulous view of a huge full moon and a splay of light almost like a triangle coming from it. I would have stopped in the middle of the road right there and photographed it - Murphy's Law - didn't have my camera with me. By the time I reached home, the light had gone.
Typical - d'you ever have moments like that?


  1. Many times, I always carry my camera, but sometimes the fact registers too late, that that was a great photo op

  2. There was a full moon up midway late in the afternoon last week, a bunch of clouds the same translucent white, and fading jet streams--against a sky of brilliant blue. I really wished that I'd had my camera!

  3. Yep...drives you nuts doesn't it?

  4. All the time Molly, all the time. If I stopped though as often as I want, I might be more of a traffic hazzard than I already am.

  5. Every time I drive through a nearby village, I see a road sweeper who I simply MUST photograph. Of course I never have my camera. Yesterday I remembered to take the camera, specifically to take his picture, then took a different route. One day!

  6. Yes and it's frustrating.

    Fotunately for me, the little grey driver of the UFO that abducted me had a disposable Kodak handy.

  7. Do you know I am so often wishing I had my cameras wit me, we get so many beautiful sightings, last night there was a Heron fishing by the Loch when youngest and I took Ruby for her walk, would have been a lovely photo to share, only I didn't have my camera.
    Gorgeous butterfly, everyone is getting 'potting'...I must and soon...

  8. Rarely, dear Molly; I always have a camera with me now, blogging demands it.

    And is that flying saucer?

    1. Friko no, it's the radio telescope down the road at Knockin. Just looked it up on Wiki. Apparently - it's linked to Jodrell Bank network - MERLIN - Multi Element Radio Linked Interferometer. Gosh, there's posh!

  9. I know the feeling! Sometimes I have the camera, but don't have my specs...

  10. Same here Molly,if I leave it in the work car,something good happens at home and vice versa,just the way it is...frustrating lol.

  11. All the time, Molly. I still haven't got the habit of taking it with me everywhere. Sigh...

    PS I love the new header photo.

  12. What happens to me is that as soon as I spot a picture to be shot - by the time I have found the camera in a bottomless bag - the moment has gone-x
