Saturday, 16 February 2013

To Whom It May Concern


Don't know why, but this song, keeps running through my head. Perhaps I do. Last Thursday - Valentine's Day, O/H had another hospital appointment. The good news is - he's doing OK, no, he's doing more than OK - he's doing brilliant. Anyway after we'd seen the Doc, we decided to go into Shrewsbury for a meander in the sunshine. First stop, we called in Wilkinsons, which is up over the Frankwell Foot Bridge and then down into the Riverside Shopping Centre. The first little bit of Spring weather and I'm in 'gardening' and 'painting' mode. Filled up my shopping basket and then wondered how I was going to carry it all back to the car. I asked a nearby  shop assistant if I could borrow one of their trolleys. She was so helpful. She cleared it with her supervisor and then when I'd been through the checkout, she took the trolley and wheeled it all the way to our car for us and then carted the empty cart back. So - to 'Shirley' (name on her badge) Shop Assistant - this is for you.
We don't usually buy each other cards and presents and that sort of thing, but on this day O/H treated me to a pub lunch. The meal and the service were superb, no wonder the place was crowded up to the hilt. But we still managed to find a neat little table. So to all the staff at The Bull Inn, Butchers Row - this is for you too.
I don't know about you - but I really do appreciate good service - WE'LL BE BACK.


  1. Good to hear the treatment is going so well. Glad you had such a good visit to Shrewsbury.

  2. So wonderful to have a good report from the dr. Shrewsbury....sounds so ....wonderfully English.

  3. Glad to hear you are both doing well and enjoying the first blush, the first hint, of spring.

  4. Makes a change, doesn't it. Service is generally good here too, unlike Paris where the word doesn't even exist. A good news day, best wishes to O/H!

  5. Good news all round. Medical and with good sales service.

  6. Nice to hear some good news or a change x

  7. That's great news about O.H, Molly - and the sun is shining today, Spring is just around the corner!!

  8. Great news! (I enjoyed the song so much that I listened twice - it is years since I last heard it. Thanks, Molly.)xx

  9. So happy to be reading this Molly - onward and upward!
    ...and yes, there is nothing finer than good service, it's just about treating others the way you would want to be treated yourself, isn't it?

  10. Your O/H doing brilliantly sounds like the best of all possible reasons for celebrating, Molly. It's years since I set foot in the Bull Inn, so must try it again sometime. The next few days are going to be nice so enjoy your gardening.

  11. thanks for the early Sunday morning music Molly. I haven't heard this one if a long while, it's a winner. I'm very very happy to learn of O/H progress towards healing. This must put a little skip in your step. Good service is everything - I don't get out all that much, and when I do, I have high expectations. Nothing spoils fun like poor service. I'm discovering that good listening skills are essential in that regard. At any rate, I loved reading about your day. happy week to you Molly.

  12. Yes what kind of service you get makes all the difference to whether you'll return or not.

    It's good to know your OH is doing well.

  13. A tiny taste of things to come! Sunday was a garden day - the first for a long time - really enjoyed it, but very sore. Glad you had a good day and good news, too.

  14. Thank you for your lovely comments. Hope you had a good week too

  15. It’s ages since we last went to Shrewsbury (except the blasted hospital, of course) It’s time I picked myself up for a nice day out now that the days are longer. Pity it’s still so cold.

    I am glad your old man is doing well, much though I complain about the RSH, they do look after you. (They made me wait for six hours last week in reception to the AMU ward! I was poorly and not well pleased)

  16. I have to agree, having good servie and making the experience a pleasant one for the customer will always bring the business many return visits.

    What great news that OH is doing well and so glad you had a nice experience at the pub to celebrate.
