Saturday, 23 December 2017

For Christmas 2017

In the winter of 2012 my O/H had to go through daily treatments of radio therapy for 37 days.  One day the machine was being overhauled and we were directed to a different waiting room. On a shelf just above the arm chairs where we were sitting waiting, someone had placed a knitted nativity set complete with cardboard box stable. I loved it and you know how it is when sometimes something really strikes you .....  I really wanted to knit one of these myself (apart from the fact that I can't knit for toffee.)

 This year
I found a pattern book on the internet. Bought some wool and knitted this set.  Donated it to 'Messy Church' at Westbury for the children to play with. The snow came and the event had to be cancelled.
 I've been asked to start a knitting group  starting in February next year  ...... What?

Happy Christmas and a bright New Year
Love from Molly xx


  1. That is really lovely Molly. Isn't it funny how things happen, knitting group, what! It must be meant to be! Happy Christmas! x

    1. Hello Rachel. My circumstances like yours, suddenly changed and I found myself quite a bit on my own. I haven't needed to have a frenzy of Christmas shopping or even plan a Christmas dinner. Then all that snow came and got snowed in. Whatever your outer Christmas is like, it's the inner one that really matters. I think about you a lot and wish you a really happy and peaceful Christmas. Love Molly xx

  2. I, also, went with my husband for daily radiation treatments last year. There weren’t any lovely scenes to look at, but we met the kindest people who gave us hope and encouragement. Even in the darkest of times, there can be found some things and people that inspire us. I am happy to read that you found something that gives you joy. The manger scene is lovely and I bet you had a lot of fun making it. I am sure the children will be playing with in for years to come. Have a happy Christmas, Molly, and a good and healthy New Year as you create more knitting projects.

    1. Oh Arleen, Hope things are going OK for you. Have a special peaceful Christmas. All my love, Molly xx

  3. That is lovely Molly. Have a very Happy Christmas and enjoy your knitting group.

    1. Thank you Sue. Happy Christmas to you both. Have a lovely time xxxx

  4. My mother was an amazingly fast and skillful knitter, despite having lost her right index finger. She taught me how to knit almost sixty years ago, one of these days I may actually get around to finishing off my first kettle-holder though perhaps if I had attended a knitting group I would have graduated to scarves by now!!
    I may be a dismal failure in the knitting department, but you are not. Your manger set is beautiful. I hope you have a Happy Christmas and wonderful New Year.xx

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments. Wishing all your family a wonderful special Christmas. Love Molly xx

  5. That's the most beautiful nativity set I've ever seen.
    Merry Christmas

  6. Lovely Nativity set, Molly. I couldn't believe it's knitted. I wish you a merry Christmas and peaceful New Year!

  7. Thank you, Nadeza. Have a special wonderful Christmas. Love from Molly xx

  8. It's a lovely Nativity set. I saw a similar one in the children's corner in the church we visited recently in Castleton. I'm sure the children love it. I hope you enjoy starting up the knitting group and it will be a blessing to you and those who join you. Wishing you a happy new year Molly.
