Wednesday, 22 February 2017

One Picture times Two

Have you ever watched that TV programme, 'Who Do You Think You Are?'  Celebrities are invited to helped to trace their family  ancestry with amazing results.

My mum died in 1948 when I was 4. I had hardly any pictures and knew very little about her family. My daughter signed up for that programme which traces ancestry. Imagine how I felt when I saw an identical picture of the two ladies with the dog posted on someone else's 'tree'. One intrepid email later (from me) and now 60+ years on I find I have a second cousin with a gorgeous family living out in New Zealand, I never even knew existed. Wow!


  1. How amazing and wonderful - is that the cousin in Tauranga or another (extra) one? You will definitely have to come down here.

  2. That is amazing, Moll. Are you going to visit them?

    1. Tom, a bit early days yet, but maybe, I don't know.

  3. Hello Sue. How are you? I've been having a bit of a time sorting and clearing. Thank you for sending your new address.
    No - not Mary, another one. Not quite sure where they live in New Zealand. I expect you are busy too. Send my best wishes to Doug xx

    1. Thank you, we are both well - busy sorting everything out. Unfortunately, had a trip back up to Kaitaia on Friday for the funeral of a friend. Look forward to meeting up with you when you visit your cousins!!!!! Will be interested to find out where this latest one lives.

  4. What a thrill. How small the world is, indeed.

  5. That is fabulous, Molly. When you find one person, that will lead to others. You will have fun with this.

    We have been going through and DNA Testing and have found out some interesting secrets and some fun facts.

  6. I would love to trace my ancestry through DNA testing and any other means, but I would imagine it isn't cheap, so maybe in my next lifetime.
    How nice to know of family you never knew existed and they're on my side of the world :)

  7. Interesting. Take care though, if you know what I mean.x

  8. Hello Molly. Nice to see you here again and lovely news about the new family - an excuse for more travel perhaps?

  9. How exciting, a whole new branch to explore, should you decide to do so! xx

    Last week I discovered that my grandfather was one of ten children. I wonder why we were never told about that.

  10. Hello Molly - what lovely news for you and a whole new family to get to know - best wishes from both of us xx

  11. I know I have family in Australia but relatives have no interest in family ties.
    Not all people seem tobe curious nor care that much.

  12. Hello Molly, long time since I've popped by, hope all is going well for you.
    How exciting this news must've been for you. It's amazing what you find when you start delving into family history.

    All is going well here, we are enjoying spectacular Autumn colour and the days are still quite mild at the moment. Not so much stitching taking place these days as I'm out in the garden now that the heat of Summer is just a distant memory.
    Love from Oz..... Claire xx

  13. Wow!! I hope you keep in touch with her.

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