Early Morning Mist on Moel-y-golfa |
I've never really been one of those sporty types - my sole claim to fame was when (skirt tucked into knickers) I came first in the local primary schools high jump when I was eleven - long time ago. But I can't help watching bits and glitches of the Olympics all the same. Wasn't last night at the Olympic Stadium fantastic! Jess Ennis, Greg Rutherford and Mo Farah giving it their all. Did you see the look of sheer grit on Farah's face as he crossed the finishing line? I had a lump in my throat just watching him go.
It's often crossed my mind how people get good at what they do. There must be a bit of encouragement or quite a lot of it somewhere along the line. I remember years ago, my O/H going abroad on a business trip. He was very taken with the piano playing of one of the musicians in the hotel bar. He told her that she must be gifted to be able to play like that. To which she replied, 'Gifted my a*se! You have to practise for hours and hours to get it right.' And they must have put acres of hard work into it too.
I got up early this morning. The view across the 'Moel-y' was just breath taking. The mist drifting across the lower ground, the tip of the mountain above it and a clear blue sky. It must have rained quite a a bit in the night. When I walked round the garden this morning, the plants were dripping with dew and there was that late summer nip in the air.
Sweet Peas |
The sweet peas have been hard work this year. All that rain earlier on caused the roots to die off and the leaves didn't grow like they should. The flowers are just coming into bloom now. I picked a vase full for the house. The perfume is just out of this world.
Gladioli |
The gladiolus are out.
And so are the Orange Day Lilies, the blue/purple Veronica and the white Verbascum
Blue Scabious, Eryngium (Sea Holly) and Cosmos
The sun on the poly tunnel silhouetted the sweet corn.
The cobs are just starting to ripen. We've eaten one or two already.
Tomatoes are just starting to turn - never ever thought they would this year.
And later on, when the sun was really bright, I looked up and saw this fabulous cloud formation.
Life's good. Hope you've had a good weekend too.