Sunday, 26 May 2013

Wild in the Country

May Bank Holiday weekend. Been at home for most of the day. One of those days when if somebody asks you, 'What 've you been doing today?' and you say, 'Nothing much!'
I got up early this morning, went out to feed the cats and a morning tour around the top of the garden. Everywhere for as far as you could see - blue sky and that slight breath of chill that you get in May and blossom. So much blossom.

And after a winter that seemed never ending - it seems we're here. One moment in time, I just stood still and listened to the birds high up on the branches. Couldn't see them but you could certainly hear, and the brook too.

The side of the brook barely separating Wales from England is covered in wild garlic, comfrey, nettles, red campion and cow parsley.

Come to think of it, my garden's a bit like that too with the odd aquilegia, delphinium, lupin, shasta daisy
trying to break through where they can.

Tons of blossom on the Discovery apple tree.

And down the lane by the wooden bridge, a crab apple or Malus at the edge of the stream.

Bluebells on a small wooded  bank along the track.

Hispi cabbage


broad beans

All year round cauli

runner beans

khol rabbi out of the poly tunnel

And guess what we had for dinner today. Life is good.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

A Lazy Sort of Day

Been having a weeding, clearing out purple sprouting stalks today. Took a barrow load up to the compost heap at the top of the garden. Whipped off the black plastic sheet to tip the contents. Something big, brown and furry leapt out. I screamed and it disappeared at the speed of light down the side of the brook. it was probably more terrified than I was.

And where were the cats ?  ... yep ... stretched out and fast asleep in the poly tunnel.

Did you know that apparently, according to an environmental programme I watched,  wherever you live, you are only four feet away from a rat.